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Dispositions and Reflections  

As a professional and educator there have been so many ways that I have grown. During my first few weeks of student teacher my confidence as an educator was lacking, and I felt like during my last couple weeks in my first placement, I saw how much I grew in my confidence. During my student teaching, I really try to take in every moment that I was getting feedback, I wanted to know how I can improve to be the most successful. Just like how I want my students to be successful, I believe it starts with the mindset that you have. I continue to have a growth mindset where I am always wanting to know feedback about how I am doing in my teaching practice. I want to hear feedback from my mentors and peers, but also my students, I am constantly asking how my students thing I can improve my teaching so they can be the most successful. 


I think the two professional dispositions that I feel the most comfortable with are the professional behaviors and initiative and dependability. I am always able to adapt in challenging situations especially during Covid, I have learned to get creative when working with students at home. When I was at Alamo Heights High School learning how to adapt and understand working from home while doing ceramics could be challenging. I tried to understand from my student perspective and understand how it would be learning ceramics at home. This understanding influence my teaching,. I also believe that my professional behaviors really show through with my professional dispositions that my mentor teachers gave me feedback on. On that one professional dispositions I received proficient because of my professional behaviors that I always have when I am teaching. 


One dispositions that I think I can continue to grow on is in the section of cultural responsiveness. I always try to create a space that is inclusive and respectful because I believe that is important when teaching. Understanding all of my students needs and learning is at my top priority but of course this can be challenging. I want all of my students to feel like I am assessing all their needs, but I believe this is something I can always grow in. 


Overall, I scored myself proficient because I believed I worked really hard to get this score and that I deserve it. Not only did I give myself this score but my mentor teachers at both placements gave me this score. I felt like I was always on time, I participated, I acted and dressed professional. I will continue to grow and improve on these dispositions. Professionally I want to keep these professional dispositions as a my standard for when i grow as a teacher and professional. I want to strive to be proficient in all the professional dispositions and also the standards. It has been a great experience during student teaching, and I learned a lot. I will always cherish my time during student teaching for how I grew as a person but also an educator. 

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