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Standard 3 

Quality Standard 3 

 Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.

Overall Reflections 

During my time while student teaching, I have learned the importance of reading my audience and understanding my "who". When I am creating lesson, I thinking my class a whole and then I think about my individual students, what their interests are, what they are successful out, and things that they can still work on. I think about the student as a whole not just what skill they need to learn for that lesson. In this standard I believe that I am developing because I think I can grow in this area through out my years a professional teacher. When I am creating my lessons and planning, I am constantly thinking of the students first and how they will respond to the lesson. I believe that I can always be growing in this standard because I don't believe that I have fully mastered it. 

Element A: Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students.

During student teaching, I continue to be reading books out side of my other studies to continue to learn and grow as a educator and artist. One of the books I have been reading is Teach, Breath, Learn. This book focuses on mindfulness in the classroom and what that looks like to bring that into the classroom and participate in it as a teacher. It has been so useful and helpful a teacher to focus on my mind and body when I teaching. It talks about how important mindfulness is and how it also is important for students who might have issues with focusing in the classroom setting. My goal as a educator is for my students to successful and I think focusing on mindfulness is one way for students to help them grow and learn in a positive way. 

Artifact: Teach, Breath Learn, Book 

Element B: Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction.

In Ceramics at Alamo Heights High School, students had to complete and participate in a in progress critique for their mixed media project. We use the platform called Padlet, and it gave students a chance to post a photo of their work and also comment on two classmates projects. This gave a chance for in person and students who are doing at home learning to have a reflective critique assignment. For informal assessments, every class period I go around and check with every student. This gives me a chance to build relationships but also make sure they are on tasks and keeping up with the assignment. 

Artifact: Example of Formal Assessment 

Element C: Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage students in authentic learning experiences. 

Using technology as a tool I think is important. At Cambridge Elementary School, I created an assignment for students to create a digital story board assignment. This was for students to create a story that included them going to some type of event and it had to include multiple different character and settings. Students used their classroom iPads to create this story board. At Alamo Heights High School, for all my classes, I taught in person and online students simultaneously, I am extremely conferrable with teaching in this setting now as I have had to adapt to this new teaching style because of COVID-19  

Artifact: Story Board Assignment, and example of teaching in person and online students simultaneously 

Element D: Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use processes to support the development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

For self portraits, I created an exit ticket that each of my Art 1 students needed to complete on the first day of class. This exit ticket had the purpose of brain storming ways that students can critically think about who they are as a person. And reflect on their culture , community, and identity. 

Artifact: Self Portrait Exit Ticket

Element E: Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership.

At Cambridge Elementary, the students in my 5th grade class during our weaving unit started a business called "Weaving Wonders". The purpose of this team was to create art that they would sell, and all the profits would be donated to the local animal shelters. These students created amazing art work that they learned in my unit of weaving. I am in awe of how talent these students are and to create a business that helps others is inspiring. 

Element F: Teachers model and promote eective communication opps form .

Artifact: Students of Cambridge Elementary School 

This is a form that was created during my 1st placement at Cambridge Elementary School. This form has the sole purpose of producing healthy and positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student. If I student had a hard day in art class, I would pull them aside and fill this form out with them. This way they knew what happened and knew what would be sent home with them at the end of the day. And then it all gave the parents a clear understanding of what happened in the classroom and it gave them a chance to communicate it with their child. 

Artifact: Opps Form 

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